Slot Summary |
first_link NULL when empty or gives access to the first element.
last_link NULL when empty or gives access to the last element.
mem_idx |
mem_lnk To speed up accessing, mem_idx and mem_lnk is the
memory of the last access done. For example, after
item(1), mem_idx is 1 and mem_lnk is first_link .
When list is empty, first_link is NULL as well as
mem_lnk and mem_idx is 0;
is_empty Is collection empty ?
See also count .
add_first Add a new item in first position : count is increased by
one and all other items are shifted right.
add_last Add a new item at the end : count is increased by one.
add to Add a new element at rank index : count is increased
by one and range [index .. upper ] is shifted right
by one position.
remove_first Remove the first element of the collection.
remove Remove the item at position index. Followings items
are shifted left by one position.
first The very first item.
See also last , item .
last The last item.
See also first , item .
item Item at the corresponding index i.
put to Make element the item at index i.
count Number of available indices.
See also is_empty , lower , upper .
set_all_with Set all items with value v.
copy Reinitialize by copying all the items of other.
Infix '==' Do both collections have the same lower , upper , and
The basic = is used for comparison of items.
is_equal_map Do both collections have the same lower , upper , and
Feature == is used for comparison of items.
index_of start Using is_equal for comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence
of element at or after start_index. Answer upper + 1 when element
when the search fail.
reverse_index_of start Using is_equal for comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence of
element at or before start_index. Search is done in reverse direction,
which means from the start_index down to the lower index .
Answer lower -1 when the search fail.
fast_index_of start Using basic = for comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence
of element at or after start_index. Answer upper + 1 when element
when the search fail.
fast_reverse_index_of start Using basic = comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence
of element at or before start_index. Search is done in reverse
direction, which means from the start_index down to the lower
index . Answer lower -1 when the search fail.
clear Discard all items in order to make it is_empty .
from_collection Initialize the current object with the contents of model.
slice to New collection consisting of items at indexes in [min..max].
Result has the same dynamic type as Current.
The lower index of the Result is the same as lower .
occurrences Number of occurrences of element using equal for comparison.
fast_occurrences Number of occurrences of element using basic = for comparison.
force to Make element the item at index, enlarging the collection if
necessary (new bounds except index are initialized with
default values).
all_default Do all items have their type's default value?
Note: for non NULL items, the test is performed with the is_default predicate.
remove_last Remove the last item.
replace_all with Replace all occurrences of the element old_value by new_value
using equal for comparison.
fast_replace_all with Replace all occurrences of the element old_value by new_value
using operator = for comparison.
reverse Reverse the order of the elements.
lower Lower index bound is frozen.
Minimum index.
See also upper , valid_index, item .
upper Memorized upper index bound.
Maximum index.
See also lower , valid_index, item .
make Make an empty list
remove_head Remove the n elements of the collection.
remove_tail Remove the last n item(s).
first_index_of Give the index of the first occurrence of element using
== for comparison.
Answer upper + 1 when element is not inside.
fast_first_index_of Give the index of the first occurrence of element using basic =
for comparison. Answer upper + 1 when element is not inside.